
Unlocking professional development: the power of education in your career

Unlocking professional development: the power of education in your career

05 July 2023 We are Kitron

At Kitron, we believe in the power of learning to unlock professional development. Through access to quality resources and training, we strive to provide our employees with the skills and knowledge they need to advance in their careers.

The Kitron Sweden team recently took this idea further - they offered special scholarships for people who wanted to attend or return to university. This scholarship program provided people with the opportunity to gain the educational qualifications they needed to pursue their professional careers in electronics manufacturing further. Now, we want to share the experience of our colleagues Anton and Zaya.

Firstly, could you share how you joined Kitron?

Anton: I was 22 and had tried out a few different lines of work and studying at Jönköping University. However, like many other young people, I couldn’t really figure out what I wanted to do. While working at a temporary work site, they offered me a job at Kitron. The work included the assembly and testing of medical devices, which I found exciting. I would also be able to earn a living while I figure out my future.

Zaya: After graduating from university, I was looking for a job in Jönköping in the technical field. I applied for a job opening at Kitron as a Test Operator and was accepted.

What made you choose Jönköping University? How did Kitron play a part?

Anton: Since I started working at Kitron, I have always planned to go back to university, but I got comfortable here. Over the years, I have tried out different departments but always returned to my original.

I understood the products well, and as our department lacked technicians sometimes, I began troubleshooting when faulty units appeared. This awakened the idea of becoming a technician. So, in April 2021, Kitron started a program in the form of a scholarship. This program gave two employees a chance to further their education in the newly created, two-year Electronic Technician program at Jönköping University. After a colleague mentioned this to me, I applied and attended an interview. The following week I heard that I had been offered this opportunity.

Zaya: Kitron offered an opportunity within the company for two people to study and become Electronics Technicians. It immediately caught my attention, and I checked out the program's content. I checked out the courses, and whether I could study for two years there. Previously, I applied for a technical position in order to learn more but was not accepted. Since I didn't have experience or knowledge in the field, I didn't qualify. There was no way I was going to miss this opportunity.

How have you applied the knowledge you've gained so far to your work?

Anton: Studying has been going well but with plenty of challenges. Although I am a bit older (32 years old) than I thought I would be when returning to study, I think that has given me a sense of maturity to see what I must do and what is expected of me.

In April, two classmates and I were offered to work as Product Engineers at Kitron Sweden. This was despite the fact that we still had about six weeks of studies left, and after graduation, we will all begin our careers. The Electronics Technician education surely weighs in this, but in my specific role, I won’t have full use of the studies. But then, I don’t consider them a waste but rather a resource to understand other areas of the business that I might otherwise lack knowledge of.

Zaya: It has been a great experience studying. I have learned a lot about electronics and production. It turned out that a course I thought would be boring, Production Economics, was the exact opposite. The course was made extremely interesting and useful by our teacher Mikeal Sollenberg, from Stockholm. He opened my eyes to how important it is to know about the production economy. He also taught me how to do business and the meaning of different terms in use within companies. I was grateful for the whole program but also for the Production Economics course and that teacher.

What are your thoughts on Kitron providing these learning opportunities?

Anton: I think this is a great incentive to employees – to see that the company is willing to invest in the long term, in a way that is beneficial for the company as well as the employee, on both a personal and a professional level.

Zaya: A company that plans long-term should always invest in its employees. It is rewarding for everyone involved. It opens new opportunities to expose the name of Kitron to others. It helps spread a positive reputation. It is truly rewarding.

Daily life @ Kitron

Is there anything that makes you look forward to going to work every morning?

Anton: As of now, I will be starting a new line of work as a product engineer, and with that comes a whole new set of challenges. That is both exciting and a cause of some nervousness!

Zaya: It would be to do what I like doing, working with electronics, and making a difference within the company and the world.

Where do you find meaning in your job?

Anton: Knowing Kitron has medical customers, among others, is meaningful to me. There are some devices we produce that help keep people alive, find diseases, etc., so they need to perform at their best. As a Product Engineer, you work both with customers and the production team, so I believe that my work will have a positive impact.

Zaya: I am a newcomer to my position and will start officially in June. For now, I will say the team I work with. They are experienced and willing to help, as well as have a joyful work environment.

What do you think makes people successful at work?

Anton: I think you either have to be really driven and determined and set an aim on what you want to achieve or really care about something. If you care enough about your work, you will want to provide a good job and a good product, which in extension, might make you good at what you do.

Zaya: This is my personal perspective. I am thinking of the famous five love languages that everyone needs. If those ideas meet in a company, the person will flourish at work. This means being recognized for your work and having time to spare both for work and events for socializing with colleagues. It also means getting the help needed from your team and receiving advantages such as gifts, opportunities for education, development, etc.

What are the key things you have learned so far during your Kitron experience?

Anton: Don’t limit yourself. If you work “on the floor”, don’t just do what you’re told to do because you're told to do it. Ask what you’re doing and why. Show you care and are curious. If it’s even slightly interesting, learn as much as you can and become as good as you can be. That might open the first gate of a journey towards more.

Zaya: To take the time needed to learn to do your job correctly, to ask when you are uncertain, and to communicate when you have a problem.

“Being part of creating an electronics education was a very rewarding experience. Resources with knowledge of electronics are very challenging to find nowadays. By doing this, we could create an education that perfectly fits Kitron’s needs and challenge our employees to take the next step in their professional careers.

I’m very proud of Anton and Zaya for taking this opportunity and completing this education. For me, seeing our employees develop on a professional and personal level is very important, and I hope more of them will take advantage of opportunities like this to take their next step. I’m excited to see how far they will develop their skills and move our company to the next level.” – shared Igor Ledic, Manufacturing Manager at Kitron Sweden.

Kitron's commitment to providing personal development opportunities for our employees is key to our dedication to our values. We strive to create an environment where everyone is empowered to reach their highest potential. As our colleagues mentioned, it creates an opportunity for growth that benefits everyone for years to come. By providing education, we set an example of excellence in the workplace.

"At Kitron, we believe that education is fundamental to the development of our employees. That is why we are committed to providing educational opportunities that will help our team members to stay updated on the latest innovations in the industry and foster their growth.

We offer this special scholarship, access to online courses, and our internal learning platform. We also provide opportunities for employees to attend conferences and workshops related to their field of work. Our goal is to ensure that all Kitron employees have the resources they need to succeed. We are proud that Anton and Zaya had a successful experience during their studies. It is also exciting for us to offer opportunities for them to implement their knowledge at Kitron Sweden." – shared the HR Manager of Kitron Sweden, Ulrika Gustavsson.

We want to thank Anton and Zaya for their dedication to learning and developing their careers and for sharing their experience for this article!

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