
Gyrid Skalleberg Ingerø

Board member

Gyrid Skalleberg Ingerø was born in 1967 and is a Norwegian citizen. She has extensive experience in financial and accounting matters, in addition to relevant industry experience. She is a state-authorized public accountant from the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH). Until recently, she was EVP and Group CFO at Kongsberg Gruppen ASA, a leading global technology company with operations in 40 countries. She is currently deputy chair of the board and a member of the audit committee at Telenor ASA, board member and member of the audit committee at Höegh Autoliners ASA, board member at KID ASA, board member at Gjensidige and member of the board and chair of the audit committee at Itera ASA.

Ms Ingerø was elected to the Kitron Board in 2024. On May 21, 2024, Ms Ingerø owned 10,765 shares in Kitron.