
6. General Meetings

Corporate Governance

Shareholders exercise the ultimate authority in Kitron through the Annual General Meeting.


All shareholders are entitled to attend a general meeting as long as they are recorded in the company’s share register no later than the fifth business day before the date of the General Meeting. Representatives of the board, Chairman of the Nomination Committee, the Nomination Committee, and the Auditor are present.


The notice of the meeting, the agenda and detailed and comprehensive supporting information, including the nomination committee’s justified recommendations, are made available on Kitron’s website at least 21 days before a general meeting takes place. At the same time, the notice and agenda are distributed to all shareholders. For administrative purposes, the shareholders must give notice of their attendance at the meeting minimum of two working days before the meeting.


The General Meeting deals with such matters as required by Norwegian law. Shareholders who cannot attend the meeting in person can vote by proxy, and voting instructions can be given on each item on the agenda. In addition, shareholders may vote in advance, either in writing or by electronic means, up to 2 days prior to the General Meeting.


The general meetings are opened by the chair of the board. Normally, the board proposes that the chair of the board shall also chair the general meetings. The board will propose an independent chair for the general meeting if any of the matters to be considered a call for such arrangement.

Notices and minutes

The notices and minutes of the General Meetings are published in Oslo Børs’ information system (www.newsweb.no, ticker: KIT) and on Kitron’s website under Shareholder information/General Meetings.